Make those Pesky PDF’s Accessible with these Apps and Extensions

Icon of Adobe Acrobat with the words PDF and Accessibility

We’ve covered how to turn PDF’s into Accessible Educational Materials (AEM) and what it means to have your PDF’s accessible to learners with various disabilities, including those that use screen reader and text to speech technology.

What if educators leveraged these tools as an intentional forethought to meet the needs of all learners as opposed to waiting to retrofit? We’d have an opportunity to make those “Pesky PDF’s” more universally accessible. While we can’t quite do away with the PDF format (yet), there are a plethora of apps and extensions that can help make PDF’s more accessible for all. Below is an updated list of apps and extensions to help make PDF’s more accessible.

Pdf Apps and Extensions

Apple IOS Scanning Apps

Apple IOS Annotation Apps That Promote Accessibility

Chrome Apps and Extensions for Accessibility

Online OCR and Software OCR Tools

Other Resources

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