5 + MORE Books on UDL Every Educator Should Have

A while back on the blog, I wrote a post 5 Must Have Books for Educators on UDL. Since that post, there are books out there that continue to move the needle of UDL work as a vehicle for equity forward and can help educators plan for any environment leveraging Universal Design for Learning as the foundational framework where everything flows from. There is sure to be at least one from this list that resonates!

Below are 5 + more books on UDL every educator should have:

1. Anti-Racism and UDL: Building Expressways to Success by Andratesha Fritzgerald.

Cover of Antiracism and UDL. A silo únete of a child with a book looking out to an expressway.
Cover of the book Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning: Building Expressways to Success by Andratesha Fritzgerald

Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning: Building Expressways to Success is essential reading for all educators. Andratesha’s brilliant use of metaphor drives the point home to the reader of the importance of honoring black and brown learners for the brilliant souls they are- and not what the inequitable systems in our country tell us. To check our isms at the door and serve to honor and empower learners through UDL. The connections between honor and Universal Design for Learning are expertly woven throughout the book. This book will not only make you think, it will compel you to act.

2. Un-Learning by Katie Novak and Alison Posey tied with Innovate Inside the Box by George Courous and Katie Novak and Equity by Design by Mirko Chardin and Katie Novak

Author’s Note: These three books have a common theme in one of the authors, and all have value. I couldn’t decide on which one to include as they are all wonderful reads, hence the + in the post.

Unlearning by Katie Novak and Allison Posey is centered on what we as educators need to un-learn in order to realize the promise of Universal Design for Learning. The book focuses on the importance of examining and shifting our judgements, attitudes, and beliefs (what I call taking a JAB) at as an integral part of UDL implementation work.

Cover of Innovate inside the Box:Empowering Learners through UDL and the Innovator’s Mindset by George Couros and Katie Novak

Innovate inside the Box by Katie Novak and George Couros marries George Couros‘ Innovator’s Mindset with UDL (think back to the classic Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup commercials of the late 1970’s and 1980’s). This book is for the educator that is craving more creativity and agency in their teaching practices with innovation and UDL at the center. I love how they expertly weave these connections throughout the book!

Cover of Equity By Design: Delivering on the Power and Promise of UDL by Mirko Chardin and Katie Novak

Equity by Design by Mirko Chardin and Katie Novak is a long awaited recent release. I had the honor of hearing Mirko speak at the 2017 CAST UDL Symposium: UDL for Social Justice, which moved me to tears and caused me to take action on how my own biases and beliefs can serve as barriers for black and brown learners. This book is a call for educators to “drop their egos” and open their hearts to ALL learners in ALL circumstances. The strategies and tools throughout the book are essential to equity work. An instructional strategist colleague of mine borrowed the book and felt that this would be a great study for their staff in their equity work.

3. What Really Works With Universal Design for Learning by Wendy Murawski and Kathy Lyn Scott

Cover of the book what really works  with universal design for learning
Cover of What Really works with Universal Design for Learning by Wendy Murawski and Kathy Lynn Scott

What Really Works with Universal Design for Learning by Wendy Murawski and Kathy Lynn Scott is for the educator that is looking for specific strategies, tools, and ideas to immediately implement in their setting. This book covers not only subject areas, but how to help parents and community members support educators in UDL work. It’s a fantastic resource for those that need to “see” UDL in action!

4. Engage the Brain: How to Design for Learning that Taps into the Power of Emotion by Allison Posey

Cover of Engage the Brain: How to Design for Learning That Taps into the Power of Emotion by Allison Posey

Engage the Brain: How to Design for Learning that Taps into the Power of Emotion by Allison Posey will set your synapses on fire. Allison has such a depth of knowledge about the Brain and learning that is expertly woven throughout the book. Emotion is powerful and influences learner readiness. Understanding and planning for it are essential for educators as well as understanding ones own emotional capacity and the influences they have. This book is chick full of strategies rooted in neuroscience and UDL that will deepen your understanding of the brain/motivation/engagement connection and how to design learning with this foundational knowledge.

5. Supercharge your Professional Learning: 40 Concrete Strategies that Improve Adult Learning by Kasia M. Derbiszewska & T. Nicole Tucker-Smith

Cover of Super Charge Your Professional Learning: 40 Concrete Strategies that Improve Adult Learning by Kasia Derbiszewka and T. Nicole Tucker-Smith

Most books on UDL focus on learning environments, curriculum, assessment, technology. Super Charge your Professional Learning: 40 Concrete Strategies that Improve Adult Learning by Kasia Derbiszewka and T.Nicole Tucker Smith is chock full of ways to make professional development, relevant, meaningful, and engaging. Rooted in UDL, educators will be able to experience professional development in the way that makes sense for them and empowers educators to apply what they’ve learned in their settings. This is a great book for instructional strategists, coaches, or anyone that is delivering professional development to adult learners.

Enjoy and share this list with a colleague or PLN!

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